Our Lake Committee is composed of homeowners that live and back to the lake and strive to maintain and enhance the beauty of our lake for all residents to use. Since the lake is in these residents’ back yards they have a vested interest in making sure the following is advised to the board of directors so it can be properly maintained. • Trash and debris is picked up • Fishing for only residents is enforced • Fountain is working properly/lights replaced • Dead trees and broken tree limbs removed • Water color, bacteria and weed control completed annually • Riprap Shoreline rocks and erosion of banks regularly serviced Since our lake is open for all residents to use and there is a walking path surrounding our lake, it is in the best interest for ALL residents to help to maintain the area by picking up their trash, fishing materials and pet waste by using the receptacles at each entrance. If you live around the lake and are interested in joining or getting involved with the lake Committee, please contact an HOA board member or our Property Management team for more
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